Upcoming events:

 May 18 & 19

 Western Instuctor Certification prep clinic


Amanda Legassie Stables

1995 Oldfield Road, Little Bartibog, NB, E1V 6M1


Registration deadline: April 8th

Candidate should have completed:

Western Rider Level 4

Making Ethical Decisions evaluation

Equestrian Canada Registered Coach status

Priority will be given to candidates who have all prerequisites in place.




 June 8 - 9



 Training for English Rider Levels Evaluators - In-Person Mentoring 

 Hampton Riding Centre

HRC riding students will be evaluated for RLs 1-4 by Caroline Oja. 

Donna McInnis will be mentoring evaluator candidates. 


 Details and Registration


 Further training opportunities will be offered as they become available. Contact the NBEA to express your interest. 




 Announcing the NBEA's

Coaching Handbook and Resources


Access to this platform is free to current NBEA members.

Each online handbook leads you, step-by-step, through the process

of becoming a certified NCCP Instructor or Coach. 

Click here to request a User Account


 EC Temporary Coach Status

Equestrian Canada is offering Temporary Coach status for those who will be coaching at sanctioned competitions in 2024 and who do not yet have an  EC Licensed Coach status.

  • Those coaching at Bronze and Gold  competitions must have a Licensed Coach status.

 Those without must purchase a Temporary Coach status, either at the show office or in advance. Getting it in advance is highly recommended.

Application Form



How to Self-Report PD Activities in "The Locker"


Resources for Coaches wishing to acquire either the Registered Coach Status or the Coach Licence Status


 How to Apply for Registered Coach Status       

non-certified coaches, candidates 

How to Apply for Licensed Coach Status

 certified coaches


So far in 2024...

February 11

Training for English Rider Levels Evaluators -   Paperwork & Protocols

Zoom Seminar