

June 14, 2022: Seminar on Microchipping with Dr. Kathleen MacMillan

Start Time:6:00pm
Location:Geary Hill Stables, Geary, NB
Contact Name:Nancy McAlinden
Contact Email:[email protected]

Opportunity Clinic – Microchipping!


Join us as the NBEA and the Capital Region Equestrian Association (Zone 3) combine to bring you veterinarian and associate professor Dr. Kathleen McMillan as she discusses and demonstrates ID microchipping for horses.


Microchipping horses is common practice for standardbreds and thoroughbreds the racing world. All horses in the European Union must be microchipped, and all horses applying for a new FEI competition passport in any country must be microchipped. Horses competing in US hunter/jumper association shows, and horses receiving Coggins in several states require them. Equestrian Canada is making strides toward compulsory microchipping of competition horses in this country as well.


A microchip is a reliable form of ID for your horse, and could become vital if the case of fire, flood, or fraud. Microchipped horses in Louisiana were returned to their owners more easily after Katrina. Microchips provide ownership proof and tracking, as well as age verification.


Come and learn about this technology which is common for pets, and becoming more common for horses. Dr. McMillan will demonstrate scanning a microchipped horse, and the insertion of a microchip in a new horse. All questions will be welcomed.


Date: Tuesday, June 14th

Time: 6:00 pm

Place: Geary Hill Stables, 31 New Road, Geary, N.B.


In person – free!