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List of Certified Instructors and Coaches in New Brunswick




Mission statement

The New Brunswick Equestrian Association is an umbrella organization for all equestrian activities and promotes horsemanship at all skill levels through education.


Benefits of Membership

New Brunswick Equestrian Association Membership... Everyone should have it... lesson students, barn staff, grooms, volunteers, parents... We all know that NBEA membership is "a must" for coaches, competitors, judges, etc. But why should the everyday rider, weekly lesson student, or parent be an NBEA member?


Insurance Program

Acera Insurance is the official insurance provider to the New Brunswick Equestrian Association and its members.



We are also obliged to advise that no new insurance coverage can be placed when an active wildfire is less than 50 km away. This includes the optional coverage for Tack and Members Named Perils horse insurance.

AUTOMATIC INSURANCE COVERAGE for current NBEA Members ► $5,000,000 Personal Liability Insurance

Protects you, the member, if you are sued by a third party because a horse that you own or lease, ride or handle non-commercially, causes property damage or bodily injury to a third party. **Liability coverage is for non-commercial equine related activities. Some limitations and exclusions apply. Coverage is in force 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and covers the member (Canadian resident) anywhere in the world. (Exclusions apply for members ...


[Language English]How To Become A Certified Instructor Or Coach

Why Become Certified? Click here!

Obtaining a certificate is an important life-time achievement . As a certified EC/NCCP Coach or Instructor, clients, students, and parents will know that you have achieved the highest standards in Canada for equestrian coaching, adhere to best-practices, have training in safety, first aid, & safe sport, and are screened and insured.

Announcing the NBEA's Coaching Handbook and Resources (C.H.A.R.) Access to this platform is free to current NBEA members. Each online handbook leads you, step-by-step, through the process of becoming a certified NCCP Instructor or Coach. Click here to request a User Account All the links and documents found below are available in the CHAR handbook, in order, and presented in logical steps. It's another resource to help you navigate the pathway to Instructor or Competition Coach certification.


English Updating Requirements

Review the Coaching Model and requirements for English Updating...




Driving is an all-encompassing equestrian sport, not only because all horse breeds and sizes can be used, but also because it appeals to people of all ages. There are four basic divisions: recreational driving, sanctioned competitions specifically for Pleasure Driving, Combined Driving and draft horses.




Reining horses and riders complete intricate patterns using a set of barely perceptible cues. At reining competitions, horse and rider pairs are placed in classes sorted by their age, status (professional or amateur) and level of experience. At the top level of competition, competitors complete one of 10 patterns that demonstrate the athletic abilities of the horse and the subtle communication between horse and rider. Included in the patterns are several compulsory movements: varying circles, small slow circles, flying lead changes, roll backs, spins and the crowd pleasing sliding stop. Reining competitors also perform freestyles, in which they choreograph the compulsory movements to music. Freestyles are judged on level of difficulty as well as music and choreography.

Dressage , from the French word for "training" is often described as the art of dancing on horseback or ballet on horseback and is often compared to the freestyle of figure skating.

The art of dressage is a harmonious blend of power, beauty and precision. The sport of Dressage is designed to improve a horse's balance, suppleness and flexibility, as well as improve the communication between horse and rider.

At home dressage consists of several hundred hours of patient nurturing. It takes years to build the necessary strength and fortitude to enable the horse to perform these difficult movements with ease and grace. In the competition ring dressage shows us everything we think a horse should be. They are obedient yet independent, they are explosive yet contained.

Dressage New Brunswick Equestrian Canada - Dressage

Western dressage is a newer aspect of the discipline. All Dressage New Brunswick competitions offer western dressage classes. The tests can be seen at: ...


[Language English]Para-Equestrian

Equestrian sport can represent an opportunity for freedom and movement to people with disabilities. It can also be a rejuvenating component in a therapeutic program. With various degrees of assistance and support, horse sport can be a reality for many people, whether a child with cerebral palsy or an adult with paralysis. People with disabilities can learn to ride a horse, compete alongside their peers and progress to high level competitions like the Paralympics or the World Equestrian Games. Challenges can be overcome and the experience is often rewarding.


The NBEA administers and promotes the Equestrian Canada Certified Coaching Program and their Coaches and Instructors. National standards for equestrian coaching programs are developed by the National Coaching Committee of Equestrian Canada, in conjunction with the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC), the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) and Equestrian Canada (EC). The program for Competition Coaches and Instructor of Beginners is administered in each province by the Provincial Sport Office on behalf of Equestrian Canada. Disciplines included in the EC programs are Western, English, Saddle Seat and Driving.

The Equestrian Canada Coaching programs are designed to provide coaches/instructors with the tools necessary to improve athlete development. Whether it is certification programs, clinics, mentorship, or high performance. Ultimately the goal is to provide the equestrian with the best possible experience and skills. By ...


[Language English]Irish Draft and Sport Horse Inspections 2018

[Language English]

Dear Irish Draught and Irish Sport Horse owner,

The Irish Draught Horse Society of Canada will be holding inspections this fall. If you would like to have your Irish Draught Horse or Irish Draught Sport Horse inspected this year in Canada, please send the below application to the inspections coordinator. If you have more than one horse, please copy the form as many times as you need providing the location of the horse as well as owner address for determining inspection sites.

The full application and payment is due by July 15. Applications submitted after July 15, 2018 must include a $75.00 late fee per horse. Inspections will be closed 30 days prior to the inspection. All paperwork must be complete and fees paid by that time. The number and location of the inspection sites will be determined based on paid applications postmarked no later than July 15, 2018.

The 2018 Inspection Fees for members are as follows):

$150 Geldings (at least 3 years ...