

September 19, 2020: CANCELLED - DNB Bronze/Gold Show #3 - PLP Rides instead

End Date:September 20, 2020
Location:Princess Louise Show Park, Sussex, NB
Contact Email:[email protected]

The board has decided instead of a show we will open the PLP up to those of you who would like to rent the arena and have a lesson with an NB coach, or take the time and ride on your own.  We are still working out the details such as if stabling will be available but we wanted to make sure people kept the Sept 19,20 weekend open if they were interested in this opportunity.


Current details:
Cost for arena will be $10 for a DNB Member and $20 for Non –Members.  (This does not include the costs of your coach/lesson).


Currently to maximize the number of participants we can accommodate time in the arena will be 30 min - the warm up will be available for riders to get ready for their time slots. If we do not have a lot of participants then the ring time will increase. 

Deadline to sign up: September 10th - a participant application form will be put on the website shortly.

Ride Times will be communicated by: September 15 th


We will require all participants to have a valid 2020 NBEA membership, and horses to have vaccinations (Equine Influenza, Equine Herpes Virus and Strangles) for the current year.


[email protected]